• This type of healing is ONLY done when needed, patient and/or practitioner will bring it up.  A patient must agree and be ready.  Patients will know through dreams, events, music, or movies that stand out and cause strong emotions that lasts or keeps coming up.
  • The Therapeutic Quantum Transformation technique is used when treating the physical body does not resolve your issue.  This clearing combines not only the physical, but mindfulness and spiritual aspects of the body.  It is another name for energy/spiritual clearings.
  • Below, I discuss the major types of clearings that can be performed to assist you on your health journey beyond the physical body. 


  1. Assemblage Point Adjustment (AP)
    1. The Assemblage point is a person’s energetic center which directs their feelings, emotions, and overall health and well-being.  Therefore, resetting a person’s energetic center ​is important to long lasting healing and good health. 
    1. When a trauma/stress of some sort throws the AP point out of alignment, you can feel “off” and not be able to pinpoint what it is or where the problem is.  
    1. An AP adjustment is needed when you get regular care for your problem but the healing does not last and/or any of the issues mentioned above.


  • Energetic Cutting Cords and Bonds
    • Cutting cords or bond connections to others, thoughts, patterns, etc… known or unknown and may be only from other lifetimes as well.   These cords/bonds may emit energy from others that may lower your energy, cause muddled thinking, and emit feeling like this is not your issues such as fear, anxiety, sadness, etc…​
    • These cuttings will come up from time to time and when you are ready to.  This is important to release energy and “stuff” that does not belong to you.  You will lighten the “load” and feel it within the body.


  • Forgiveness Exercises
    • Most people are hardest on themselves because they want to be the best that they can be​.
    • Forgiving yourself can be one of the hardest things to do.  Giving yourself compassion that you are doing the best that you can, and it is okay to not be perfect or perform a task perfectly.  Sometimes, it is in that “imperfection” where we learn and grow the most.  It gives us an opportunity to learn where we still need work and allow us to improve in that area.  
    • For some, forgiving others is the harder task.  But until you can forgive or release the anger/hostility towards that person, those emotions can eat you up inside causing all kinds of issues.  The type of issues will vary from person to person.


  • Inner Child Work
    • Trauma from our childhood can cause us angst as adults​, affect our daily demeanor, give us low self-esteem and poor outlook on life.​​
    • Talk to your inner child and see what little you needs/needed.
    • Provide the love, compassion, and support to your younger self.
    • You can be the support to your younger self.


  • Vows/Agreements
    • Cut ties with vows/agreements that are no longer serving you​​.
    • You may have made a vow or agreement a long time ago, that may be holding you back.  
    • You may not have even realized you made that vow but you might have said to yourself, “Well, I am never doing that again or vow take vows of poverty or never let myself love another like that again!”
    • These vows or agreements could have been made not only in this lifetime but past, and future ones too.  


  • Implants
    • Implants are limiting ideas, core beliefs, and other thoughts that may limit or control a person, or some aspect of their reality and behavior.
    • This has been used as a way to keep you stagnated, with self-sabotaging patterns and behaviours.
    • Core-wounding beliefs such as “I am not Enough”, “I do NOT deserve love”, “I am not worthy” are different types of implants.


  • Karma/Curses
    • Karma is your life experience, good or bad​.
    • Definition of curses:  a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something or someplace.
    • Lots of forgiveness and decree exercises as well as assistance from professionals who have experience to clearing this out of your timeline.  
    • Committing selfless service to others to reduce Karma.
    • Changing your mindset about certain events
    • Your words have power, so recognize what and how you express yourself can affect any event/outcome.


  • Entities/Possessions
    • Symptoms can include obsessive negative thoughts, anxiety, depression​, not acting like yourself, muddled/foggy thinking, self-destructive, self-sabotaging behavior, chronic health issues, not feeling like oneself, and so on.  
    • Typically, another being will enter the person when they are weak and susceptible.  These beings come in all forms and may be good or evil.  They may have been with you all your life. 
    • Work with a professional who has experience in clearing these beings using energy healing with patience and guidance.
    • Do NOT be afraid, even though these beings may be scary.  Their job is to show you the areas that you still need to work on, your weakness.  Once you understand this, the fear is gone and the removal is easier as well.

  • “Other Baggage”
    • When a clearing is needed and does not fall into any other categories listed above.
    • Other baggage can include core-wounding beliefs such as “I am not Enough”, “I do NOT deserve love”, “I am not worthy”, lineage/ancestral clearing, other lifetime clearing, limiting beliefs, dimensional and realm clearing, and more.


  • Space Clearing
    • Negative energy can stay in a location (land, homes, cars, office, etc…) which in turn can affect you.  ​
    • This energy may affect your mood, sleep, temper, and relationships.
    • It is good to clear this energy every so often for optimal health.

  • General Energy Clearing
    • Negative energy, limiting beliefs, other people’s emotion and their energies, can get stuck in your energy field.
    • Your energy field includes:  your physical body, chakras, meridians, emotional field, and auric field.
    • Clearing this energy will lift the heavy burden you carry around without knowing it. 

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