• Chinese Medicine encompasses more than just Acupuncture.   During a session we can discuss with you about herbs, stretching, diet and nutrition, ​and teach you Qi Gong or Taichi exercises.  Energetic needling is a technique I use to needle patients remotely.  Some patients feel the sensation and changes while others do not notice sensations but they may feel more relaxed or have less pain.  

  • Aside from Acupuncture and all the modalities included in Chinese Medicine, energetic clearing may be needed.  Energy Clearing is very effective in remote sessions and many patients tell me it is enhanced via remote sessions.  Please see Energy Medicine tab and what that entails.  

  • A newer method of using Acupuncture called NAET may also be treated remotely.  Please visit the NAET tab for more information which assists in eliminating allergies to food, environmental factors, and more.  

  • If you book for a Telehealth session, you will receive a link for a HIPAA compliant audio/video session with instructions.  

  • Acupuncture treats a broad range of health issues which include chronic, degenerative diseases, acute conditions, pain and much more.  ​

  • According to WHO and NIH, pain management with Acupuncture is as effective as western medications if not superior.

  • Conditions recommended by the World Health Organization (W.H.O.).

    • Bronchopulmonary / Respiratory Diseases – such as sinusitis, rhinitis, bronchitis, asthma, colds and flu.

    • Eye Disorders – Acute conjunctivitis, cataracts (without complications), myopia.

    • Disorders of the Mouth Cavity – toothache, pain after tooth extraction, gingivitis, pharyngitis.

    • Orthopedic disorders – tennis elbow, sciatiac, low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, peirarthritis humeroscapularis.

    • Gastrointestinal disorders – Acute and chronic gastritis, ulcer, colitis, acute bacterial dysentery, constipation, and diarrhea.

    • Neurologic Disorders – Headache, Migraines, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Facial Paralysis, Peripheral Neuropathy, Diabetic Neuroathy, Meniere’s syndrome, neurogenic bladder dysfunction, nocturnal enuresis, and intercostal neuralgia

    • And many more conditions that Acupuncture can treat that not listed.  You can schedule a consult to see if Acupuncture can help your condition.

  • Yes.  Because of the training an Acupuncturists receives (~3000hrs of training in state of CA), acupuncture is very safe.

  • Acupuncturists learn about Western medicine such as Anatomy/Physiology , as well as Acupuncture, Herbology and many other techniques.

Yes.  Only sterile disposable needles are used. 

  • Usually no.  Acupuncture needles are very thin​, about the thickness of your hair.  They are about 1/10 the thickness of a hyperdermic needle! 

  • Some locations are more sensitive than others. 

  • The skill and patience of the Acupuncturists can also contribute to the pain free experience.

  • The number of treatments will vary based on your issue.​

  • The more recent the injury or issue, the shorter number of sessions you may need.

  • The more chronic your issues, the more treatments you may need.

  • For pain patients, typically weekly treatments are advised for 4-8weeks.  After that, a re-assessment is taken to determine the treatment plan going forward.

  • The price will vary on practitioner and can range anywhere from $50 – $300 per session.​

  • Please visit out book online tab for Tran-Quility Acupuncture prices.  We are very reasonable, especially all that is provided in a session. 

  • ​Depends on your insurance company and coverage.  Is your plan a HMO or PPO plan? 

  • If you have an HMO plan, you must choose a HMO provider in your network.  Otherwise, it will be an out of pocket expense. 

  • If you have PPO, you may choose any provider that is covered by your insurance company.

  • At Tran-Quility Acupuncture, we are an Out-of-Network Provider for Aetna, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Cigna, and United health plans.  This means that we only bill PPO plans that have Acupuncture coverage.  

  • General Questions to ask about coverage from your insurance company…​

    • Does my plan cover acupuncture?

    • How many visits per calendar year?  Is there a maximum number of visits or maximum dollar amount?

    • Do I need a referral?

    • Do I have a co-pay or co-insurance?

      • Co-pay is a fixed amount a patient pays to the doctor at time of each visit.  Look on your insurance card and it will say Co-pay and dollar amount.​

      • Co-insurance is the balance of the bill that is not covered by insurance.  For example, if you have 90/10 coverage and your bill was $100…the insurance company pays $90 and you pay $10 once your deductible has been met.

    • Do I have a deductible? 

      • You can find this information on your insurance website or during open enrollment to find that information​.

      • For out of network providers, you may need to call your insurance company to find the information.

    • How much is the deductible?

      • Is the deductible for In-Network and Out-of Network the same?  

      • Can Out of Network expenses be applied towards In-Network deductible?

      • If YES and the deductible has been met then the insurance company will begin payment on your behalf. 

      • If NO, then you must pay out of pocket until you meet your deductible before the insurance starts paying.  

  • This will vary depending on the condition you came in and how light or strong the treatment session.

  • After a treatment session, the full affects of the treatment may not be fully realized for 24 hours or even up to a week after the treatment.  This will depend on how fast your body processes the information and free flowing movement of qi in your body.  

  • Typically, the relaxed state can last anywhere from 1 hour to days after the treatment.  This will vary on what you do after the treatment.  Do you honor your body and let the session integrate into your system?  Or do you rush off back to work or other errands?  If you honor your body, the treatments will last longer.  

  • The tongue is one of the diagnosis methods Acupuncturists use to determine the issues in your body.​

  • The following qualitites are assessed: Color, Shape, Thickness, Cracks, Deviation, Location, and Size.

  • The pulse is one of the diagnosis methods Acupuncturists use to determine the issues in your body.​​

  • The following qualitites are assessed: Speed, Location, Strength, Shape, and Depth.

  • For the most part, herbs may help you.  Although in some instances, herbs may not be strong enough or appropriate for your conditions.  

  • Each herb has certain function(s) that will help the body balance itself.  Traditional herbal formulations in Chinese Medicine are well balanced and have been tested over thousands of years based on pattern differentiation.  

  • Pattern differentiation means certain signs and symptoms that show the type of imbalance you have, which cause you to be sick. 

    • For example, if you feel sick, the practitioner would look at your tongue and pulse.  Two people may come in complaining of similar things like sore throat, stuffy nose, and cough. 

    • However, one person may exhibit more a pattern of heat and the second person will show a pattern of cold.

    • These individuals would get two different herbal formulations for their conditions.  

    • In this example, the first person will get a heat clearing formula to get rid of the heat and the second person would get a warming formula to get rid of the cold.  Bringing each person into balance.

  • Yes it is safe for children.  Typically for young children, the needles are inserted quickly and removed without needle retention.​

  • For children who fear needles and are not willing to be needled, other techniques will be used.

  • Other techniques include tuina, acupressure, and/or healing lasers.

  • Fill out all new patient forms prior to your first appointment online.​

  • Bring any medical records to your appointment for discussion.

  • Bring your list of questions so we can answer them during your appointment.

  • Wear loose comfortable clothing so that the arms and legs are accessible to the practitioner for needling.

  • Women, please wear a bra that can be unhooked in case a back treatment is needed.

  • Make sure to not be too full or too hungry prior to treatment.  Acupuncture can lower your blood pressure and on an empty stomach may cause you to faint.

  • Acupuncturists must graduate from an Accredited Chinese Medicine School and pass the state board and/or national license exam (depends on your state)​.

  • Acupuncturists complete >3000 hours of education which includes Acupuncture, Chinese Herbology,  Tuina, Energetics, and Chinese Nutrition, Clinic Rotations, and Western Medicine (Pharmacology, Red Flags, Psychology, Anatomy and Physiology, and more)

Please contact us if you still have questions

Get any lab work done at the following locations

Self-order, prick yourself and send back the kits. Get results without leaving your home.
Get any lab work done at the following locations
LabCorp and Quest – discounted costs for exams but requests are submitted by the practitioner for you.
Direct Labs – Self-order, prick yourself and send back the kits.  Get results without leaving your home.  

Utilize your body’s light to balance and heal your body with Phototherapy patches.  The light stimulates specific acupuncture points and acts like Acupuncture.

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